At Yachting Ventures, we believe that anyone can become a successful entrepreneur. However, we have observed a few key personality traits that many successful entrepreneurs have in common. And, by some fortunate stroke of luck for all the yacht crew out there, these entrepreneurial personality traits closely match the attributes needed to pursue and build a successful career onboard.
Therefore, it is only natural that yacht crew make great entrepreneurs! The skillset you’ve learned as crew may just be the perfect recipe needed to transition into entrepreneurship.
As the worlds’ first startup accelerator for the leisure marine, yachting, and superyachting industries, we have now worked with over 50 entrepreneurs launching businesses in this space. Here is some feedback from one such entrepreneur:
So, what qualities do great entrepreneurs have, and why do yacht crew make great entrepreneurs?
Robust Work Ethic

Great entrepreneurs know a thing or two about work ethic. Most of the time, they’ll be the first to show up to work, and the last to leave. If there’s unfinished business, they’ll work until the job is complete. As you’ll all know too well, there’s always a job to be done on a yacht. Yacht crew is no strangers to working for weeks (or months) on end without a break or day off. If that’s not a robust work ethic, we don’t know what is.
Passion (With a Side of Risk-Taking)

Work ethic and passion go hand in hand. It takes a work ethic to get a startup off the ground and keep a business strong. And, it takes passion to feel motivated and driven enough to maintain a good work ethic. The majority of crew don’t choose a career in yachting because their parents told them to. You knew there was more out there than a standard 9-5 office job. So, you followed your passion, took a risk, and decided to walk the path less trodden. That’s passion right there!
Go-With-the-Flow Attitude

Great entrepreneurs will overcome obstacles and shake off any unforeseen inconveniences without getting de-motivated. In fact, many entrepreneurs will tell you that their businesses pivoted to become much different from the company they first envisioned. And you could say that yacht crew is quite good at going with the flow, being receptive to change, and taking new opportunities as they come. Last-minute charter at the end of the season? It’s all taken with a pinch of salt (most of the time, anyway). That is why yacht crew make great entrepreneurs.
So, if you’re ready to move ashore and have an idea that’s been nagging you for a while. Join the next Yachting Ventures Cohort.
Apply today at
Good Luck with your future endeavors!
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