Looking for an opportunity to enhance your credibility in your yachting career and join a crew community? Learn about the Superyacht Content ambassador program and discover if you’d like to become the next SYC brand ambassador.

Company Background
Superyacht Content was taken under new management by an ex-captain in 2021 with the desire to provide crew with educational content. Our goal has been to avoid publishing irrelevant press releases, owner and guest-focused articles. To fill that void, we’ve dedicated our time to providing engaging blogs, from career and training content to the latest shipyard news, travel updates, and all things crew -lifestyle.
Today, SYC retains a strong crew community, from captains to junior crew who are all a large part in our companies values. And our goal to continue growing our brand community won’t be letting up anytime soon, with an increasing presence on social media and the launch of our latest crew ambassador program.
Who are the SYC brand ambassadors and what do they do?
From Bosuns to stewardesses, over the coming months we will be introducing our ambassadors individually through a series of articles. Make sure to stay up to date with the Superyacht Content crew mess section!
How to be a part of The SYC brand ambassador program:
Increase your industry exposure, have a say in the direction of the company, and much more through The SYC brand ambassador program.
1. Submit your SYC ambassador enquiry to Lucyw@superyachtcontent.com. This must include your name, a line about you, your instagram handle and your current role.
If you’re out to build a name for yourself in the Superyacht industry, you may want to apply as an Superyacht Content brand ambassador program. This can be your stepping stone to getting a dream job or even your life after yachting… On the other hand, SYC ambassadors may get the opportunity to receive free crew products to test and try!
The Superyacht Content brand continues to be on a roll as it leverages the power of social media personalities to reach more people in the yachting sector and achieve more growth. So hop onto the brand ambassador bandwagon and join a strong crew community!
Keep up to date with the latest Superyacht Crew news, here.