Reports have been coming out in the mainstream news today that Bill Gates, the often wrongly assumed owner of 126m Lurssen yacht OCTOPUS, is set to become the world’s first trillionaire within the next 25 years (the yacht is owned by his partner Paul Allen). This mind-blowing news comes from a report recently released by Oxfam, which cites ‘exponential growth of his existing wealth’.

Becoming A Trillionaire: The Logistics
Gates, the 61-year-old Microsoft co-owner, will be 86 by the time he surpasses the Trillion-net worth mark. Oxfam noted that there were 793 billionaires in the world in 2009. Total net worth of these crazy-rich individuals added up to an eye-watering $2.4 trillion. In 2016, the richest 793 individuals achieved a collective net worth of $5 trillion – that’s an annual growth of 11%.
The report states:
“If these returns continue, it is quite possible that we could see the world’s first trillionaire within 25 years”.
To Summarise
To sum up, the report concludes that if the current trend continues, Bill Gates – who is top of Forbes’ billionaires ranking – may become the only occupant of the world’s trillionaire list. Madness.
For the record, Bill and Melinda Gates are some of the world’s most charitable individuals. A massive portion of their wealth is put back into philanthropy, meaning it’s unlikely that it will be Mr G who commissions that first highly-anticipated 200m+ yacht. Best leave that to the billionaires, eh.
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