On Friday the 8th of April, the annual Yachtneeds crew party took place at Port Vauban, Antibes. Hundreds of yachties gathered at Europes largest pleasure port to enjoy a night of fun, laughs, catching up with friends, free bbq, free drinks, exceptional DJs, musicians, magicians, and more. And it’s safe to say, it really was the ‘THE crew party of the year’…
2022 Yachtneeds party attendees
On behalf of Yachtneeds and the sponsors, we’d like to say a massive thanks to every crew member who attended the 2022 crew party of the year. But also, a huge thank you for the messages received from everyone who partied the night away with us. For now, we look forward to seeing you at the next crew party in September!
Here’s How The 2022 crew event went:
2022 Yachtneeds crew party sponsors


Keep your eyes peeled for the next event…Cooming soon