The Cast of Bravo TV’s Below Deck Med has revealed the strangest requests they have received from guests
As yacht crew, it’s your job to accommodate for the guests. And subsequently, try to make their guests stay onboard the yacht the best it can be. However, the Below Deck strangest guest requests may be a bit too left-field to achieve. Nevertheless, they do make us laugh!
Here are the strangest guest requests received from the Below Deck Med cast:
Courtney Veale

The Strangest guest request that Below Deck Med star Courtney Veale has received is:
“probably being asked to go to Russia with a charter guest”
Courtney says the guest on board proceeded to ask her to come to Russia with him over the Christmas and New Year period… But as crew do, she went along with it in conversation to be polite but had no intentions of going, of course!
Lloyd Spencer

For Lloyd Spencer, the Strangest guest request he received was being asked:
“Can you hold a talent show?”
Avid watchers of the show may remember this episode airing in season 6 of Below Deck Med. And of course, Lloyd acted as the MC for the whole talent show – he certainly stepped up, even if he thought it was “a strange request.”
Mathew Shea

Chef Mathew Shea certainly showed off his culinary skills last season of Below Deck Med. Clearly, he knows what he is talking about when it comes to luxury cuisine on board. Therefore, he was completely fine when a family of charter guests requested for him to:
“Make some tuna sushi”
However, he adds that actually, they wanted it made:
“with canned tuna”
It’s safe to say, he was horrified.
Mzi Dempers

Mzi Dempers, Aka Below Decks most lovable deckhand. He is adored by his guests, as well as viewers on the show, so much so, Dempers’ strangest request was to:
“Put on a fireman’s outfit, hand out shots to all the ladies on board and, dance for them too.”
We wouldn’t have minded being a fly on the wall on that charter!
David Pascoe

Fan Favourite, David Pascoe kept his answer fairly brief and to the point. When asked in the interview what his strangest guest request was, he simply said
“The strangest guest request I’ve ever gotten was to give someone a baby”.
The context probably explains a lot, but let’s just leave it at that…
For the full video on Below Deck Strangest Guest Requests, watch now:
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